What to Do if Your Horse Suffers from Hoof Thrush
Have you noticed any of the following in your horse?
- A reaction to probing around the frog area
- Dark colored discharge showing on the underside of the hoof
- Rotting meat foul odor from the underside of the hoof
- Very strong pungent smelling feet
- Pasty discharge from the hoof
Any of the above is an indication that your horse probably has thrush. Equine thrush is a hoof condition caused by a bacterial infection (Fusobacterium necrophorum), which can result from…
- Dirt and moisture, as found in a damp stable, paddock, or a damp, swampy, or marshy pasture.
- Poor foot conformation
- Poor or incorrect foot trimming/shoeing
- Poor foot care
- Age
Whatever the cause, it can cause your horse a great deal of misery. Left untreated, it can result in lameness.

So what can you do about it?
Now there are a number of common treatments. But most all of them are problematic for one reason or another.
Bleach: One popular method is to treat with bleach, chlorine dioxide, or hydrogen peroxide. Now these DO kill germs… but they also damage healthy tissue in the process.
And guess what? That damaged tissue makes an excellent home for NEW germs!
Chemical Disinfectants: Being water formulations, they don’t penetrate well, and can negatively affect the animal and/or the caregiver with repeat exposure.
Topical Antibiotics: Also don’t penetrate well, and most of the ones used are pretty much no longer effective… some have even been delisted by the FDA.
Tropical wood oils: All are known sensitizers, which become exposure hazards for the caregivers and the animals.
“Natural Cures”: Many do not have the concentration levels or penetration necessary to do the job.
So the common “cures” are ineffective, hazardous… or BOTH… and some even invite further infection!
Is it possible to find a solution for thrush and white line disease that:
- Does not damage healthy tissue,
- Is kind to the caregiver and the environment, and
- Is guaranteed effective?
Now the GOOD News!
Equinell™ Hoof and Mane Oil is:
- Non-toxic
- Penetrates remarkably well
- Is VERY Effective!
- More economical in the long run (See comparison chart)
Not only does it present no hazard to the animal or caregiver, but it just plain WORKS!
Equinell™ Hoof & Mane Oil being applied to hoof with thrush
You may have tried other similar products in the past. We believe that Equinell™ Hoof and Mane Oil is MORE EFFECTIVE and FASTER ACTING than anything else on the market today.
My horse Charlie had thrush on three hooves. We used Equinell™ on him and it fixed him right up! Thank you so much Equinell™!
A bold statement? Sure. But we don’t expect you to just take our word for it.
Give Equinell™ a Try – RISK FREE!
Lots of horses suffering from thrush, have been helped by applying Equinell™.
Einan came to Legacy Farm with an advanced case of thrush. He was noticeably uncomfortable. After four Equinell™ hoof oil treatments the smell has vanished, there is no more exudate, and he is much more willing to let us work on his hooves.
If your horse suffers from thrush, don’t delay another moment. The sooner you act, the sooner you can alleviate your horse’s suffering.
Use Equinell™ on YOUR horse. We’re confident that Equinell™ Hoof and Mane Oil will work better, and faster than anything you’ve ever tried… so confident that we offer a FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!
If you’re not 100% satisfied after using the entire bottle of any Equinell™ product we’ll refund the cost of the product, no questions asked.
Get RID of Thrush!
Get Equinell™ Hoof and Mane Oil NOW!
P.S. There’s really no reason to wait. If your horse is suffering, why not act RIGHT NOW! Our No-Questions-Asked, Money-Back GUARANTEE makes this a “No-brainer”!