Safety Consideration for Use of Equinell™ Products

Animals in pain are not entirely predictable.

Even a healthy, comfortable horse has the potential to injure someone nearby, as you well know. It is easy to forget how big and strong they are, because they are usually so gentle with us. But you aren’t considering Equinell™ products because your horse is completely well and comfortable. We very much want everyone to be safe, including the horse. Through years of using these products, we have learned quite a bit about how and when (and why) your horse might react. But (AND THIS IS IMPORTANT) this is YOUR horse, and you know them a lot better than we do. Read this, apply the Equinell™ product(s) as suggested with your way of handling the horse, and all should be well.

Equinell™ products normally cause a warm sensation on skin and in wounds, such as a thrushy frog. This can startle horses, and generally they will react in fear of pain. It doesn’t hurt. We know that because we very carefully test it on ourselves, also we have had many torn gloves, we have been sprayed with it, spilled it on ourselves, gotten it into our eyes and mouths (it does hurt in eyes and mouths, and also on sensitive skin). But when you are applying it to, say, a thrushy frog, the wound itself is often quite painful.

Once when evaluating a calm, sweet dressage horse named Kayo, a thumb was slipped into the cleft in the frog, trying to find the bottom. He kicked, instantly. He was in PAIN. He didn’t mean to hurt anyone. The Equinell™ Hoof and Mane Oil was applied as suggested, he took the foot away and smacked it on the ground a couple of times. Then he calmed right down. No problem on the next foot, because no one probed deeply into a sore, thrushy frog. Kayo’s feet recovered well. He went from being a little flinchy in shoes, with poor hoof growth, to total confidence barefoot, and is showing very well at fourth level dressage.

The message here is to expect some reaction. It won’t so much be to the Equinell™ product, but more to your getting into close contact with something that hurts.

KEEP EQUINELL™ AWAY FROM SENSITIVE SKIN. This includes mouth, eyes, genitals, and the inside of ears. If you need to apply anything near these areas, use Equinell™ Shampoo. We often send candy with shipments. Give some to your horse before you open an Equinell™ bottle, because if you give him a treat with Equinell™ on it, he won’t thank you. Having candy in his mouth while you apply it gives him a pleasant experience to think about while you are working. You don’t need it, but it’s nice. After the first few times the horse won’t react, but it’s still nice. A few horses learn to associate the distinctive smell of Equinell™ with relief of pain, in which case you can probably save the candy for yourself.

STAY ALERT FOR SUDDEN LEG MOVEMENTS! When you scrub a horse with Equinell™ Shampoo with pastern dermatitis, especially a feathered draft horse with serious problems, they are not entirely in control of their response. If the horse has had maggots in a wound, and most of them have, they are hard wired to stamp VERY HARD to try and knock them off. Stamping is a sign of itching, so if your horse is stamping its feet chances are its past time for Equinell™ Shampoo. The point is that when you slip your fingers into the hair on the legs, the horse will react to the movement and sensation without taking time to think. It will stamp the foot, and chances are it will stamp outward and down. If your knee or foot are there when that foot comes down you are going to get badly hurt. Be careful!

A few horses are surly by nature. Being in pain doesn’t help. For these guys, consider restraints. Your farrier or vet is your best friend, here. In fact, your farrier can apply Equinell™ Hoof and Mane Oil as he trims or shoes. It is the ideal time. Equinell™ Shampoo on severe pastern dermatitis, or CPL, might need a sedative until the worst is over (see King’s story on our website). The Equinell™ Shampoo won’t make it worse, but clipping, and especially if you need to remove felted hair or concretions, will not be your horse’s favorite process.

Last, remember that the relief will be fairly rapid. Itching and pain, the hallmark of CPL, should begin to improve within minutes. A hot, wet cleft in a frog should begin to cool and dry in a couple of days. If Equinell™ products can help at all it usually will have the area looking and feeling better in a very short time.

Download The Equinell™ Safety Considerations

The Equinell™ safety considerations are included in the comprehensive instructions for applying Equinell™ products. Download the full application instructions as a PDF file from a secure Amazon location.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Equinell™ Safety


Answers to questions related to the safe use, handling and storage of Equinell™ products.

Are Equinell™ products safe?

The main ingredients in Equinell™ products are the same as in Tonel®, the original product. Tonel® was extensively tested for safety with humans as is required under the law. These tests are quite expensive and must be done by special labs and facilities. We sometimes wonder whether other companies have tested their products as carefully as we have.

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